Saturday, October 9, 2010

Taobao is free of charge commitment charges due to question

October 2003, Taobao has a free 5-year slogan into a highly competitive field of C2C e-commerce. 5 years later, in October of this year, Taobao's free commitment will expire, though there have been news that Taobao will be fully charged.


銆??璇ヨ礋璐d汉绉帮紝鐩墠灏氭湭鍒版窐瀹濆厤璐规壙璇哄埌鏈熺殑鏃堕棿鐐癸紝鍙﹀锛屾窐瀹濆垰鍒氬湪涓婁釜鏈堝疄鐜颁簡鏀舵敮骞宠 锛屽洜姝よ繕娌℃湁鏇村ぇ瑙勬ā鏀惰垂鐨勮?铏戙?

銆??鍚屾椂锛屾悳鐙怚T浠庢窐瀹濆唴閮ㄧ浉鍏崇煡鎯呬汉澹寰楃煡锛屾窐瀹濆湪杩戞湡骞舵病鏈夋敼鍙樻敹璐规ā寮忕殑璁″垝銆?br />
Lubbe, senior Internet analyst look that is certain is that, in the free time commitment expires, Taobao will not announce a new free period.浠栧悓鏃惰涓猴紝娣樺疂鐨勫鍊兼湇鍔″拰娣樺疂鍟嗗煄宸茬粡姝e紡寮?浜嗘敹璐癸紝浣嗘窐瀹濅笉浼氬儚ebay瀛︿範銆佸悜鏅?鍗栧鏀跺彇浜ゆ槗璐瑰拰鐧婚檰璐癸紝瀹炶鍏ㄩ潰鏀惰垂銆?br />
銆??鍙︽湁鐩稿叧鍒嗘瀽浜哄+璁や负锛屾窐瀹濈洰鍓嶄笉浼氭敹璐硅繕涓庡綋鍓嶇殑褰㈠娍鏈夊叧銆?Recently, Baidu's C2C platform for the upcoming free, the face of this strong competitor Taobao obviously does not consider that charge at this critical moment, because that is tantamount to a large number of users into Baidu. Meanwhile, the recent past, the Bureau's "Online Shop new regulations" also known as the CPE, in such a delicate point in time, should not choose to charge Taobao.

"Taobao's profit focused on B2C, Ali Mama and value-added services, may later give up free of charge, but now there is no need to fully charge." The analysts said.


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